May 13, 2008

Agencies to launch their own products in the market

I struck gold! I was just wondering what to write for this blog & here i am with an interesting finding about a trend that is influencing number of agencies & will affect their future...

The trend: Agecnies are entering marketing with brands selling products developed by the agencies itself!!! Agencies are preparing to sell prodcuts ranging from books, candles, or merchandise to even a geberal store (by Mother, London)

for more information go to & read article: "Agencies Go From Selling to Creating Products"

May 2, 2008

no desktop........... here comes the BUMP TOP!

BumpTop is a fresh and engaging new way to interact with your computer desktop. You can pile and toss documents like on a real desk. Break free from the rigid and mechanical style of standard point-and-click desktops. Interact by pushing, pulling and piling documents with elegant, self revealing gestures.

This is awesome! but unfortunately still a private beta version. This revolutionary computer is the brain child of Anand Agarawala and Ravin Balakrishnan from University of Toronto.

Please click on this link to gain more information (in PDF format) about Bump Top

Why i am excited about online!!!

A recent article on forecasts that inspite of declining growth for next couple of years, in 2012 total media spend will grow by 5.1% & total US ad spending will surpass $330 billion mark.
Main contributor - rapid increase in online spends!!!!!

April 12, 2008

yo nike ID ....

Check out NIKETOWN NY Studio Designs! I am promoting Nike ID for free........ let there be word of mouth. BY SPREADING THIS INFORMATION TO MY FRIENDS I HAVE JUST become a part of 3 1/2 billion word of mouth conversations that happen daily in America. Promoting innovation, would it make me innovative???? blahhhhhhhhhhhhh

March 23, 2008

Award winning indian ad on Holi

I simply love this ad. It is so touching :(

holi - the festival of color & harmony

Holi is an annual festival celebrated on the day after the full moon in the Hindu month of Phalguna (early March). It celebrates spring, commemorates various events in Hindu mythology and is time of disregarding social norms and indulging in general merrymaking.

Apart from this text book definition what i know about holi is - it is the festival of colors, people of different age, sex and community come together and play with dry colors. It is the festival of cultural harmony.

I believe it is this color that overlays the cultural differentiation and showcases the people as one! This video though is mute but captures the traditional essences of the holi as the festival of colors and togetherness!

please click the link below to know more about holi

Now from the video try to find a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian, a Jewish or a person from any other country.... i bet all will look the same. All will look one!

Now Myspace reaches cellphones!

For all the MySpace fanatics, keep browsing profiles and be connected on MySpace on the go! From the recent news, MySpace Mobile will launch new MySpace mobile website on all Web-enabled Sprint phones. It will be the first free direct access to the new MySpace Mobile Website on a U.S. carrier.

Making & keeping in touch with friends is now so easy...

March 21, 2008

Verizon releases open device requirements

hurray!!! for the the people who were binded by the evil cellphone contracts. hurray!!! for the cellphone geeks! Verizon on March 20th, 2008 announced to open its network to handsets and other devices sold outside its stores or standard channels.
So no more subsidizing the phones, but no more signing a contracts too for the people who buy a cell phone from third party.

Verizon is rocking the mobile world, recently they came up with $99 unlimited & forced other players to do so. And now it is this commitment to open its network.

ATT - you are America's largest network, i agree. So what? But Verizon is America's most trusted network! and they proved it once again

for more information

March 20, 2008

Yet another visual search - SEARCHME

I came across SearchMe through an article from, i googled their site to learn more about it. So here it is... a search engine that enables the surfer to read and see the web page results generated by the search. The interface is pretty much like the itune's 'Coverflow'. The standard text results can be found at the bottom of the page. both the features can be resized.

It definitely appealed to me, because i am aware how irritating it becomes when we have to click on each link to see if that is the right source. SearchMe saves me from this hassle. I dont know the effectiveness of this SearchMe and therefore i will still be loyal to traditional search engines. But in coming future, I am sure they will develop there logarithms to confidently palce them against the search giants.

March 10, 2008

Advertising. thats what its gonna be!!!

Interactive! Microscopic! Affordable! Accountable! Exciting! This is advertising in years to come! The recent influx of interactive cells in the heart of advertising will pump the blood at a faster level to push the level of interactivity at an unbelievable height. Brands and consumers both will gasp for air in this ever-claustrophobic environment. Relevance and engagement will be the governors of the communication world.

Therefore in search of pleasant weather managers will adorn their magnifying glass and go microscopic in search of relevant target market, oops target group to be more precise. This great need for customization in communication will change the meaning of traditional and non-traditional medium; mobile, internet and other consumer driven content will be the new traditional! ‘Push’ will be no more cool. ‘Pull’ will be the most desired place on planet to breathe free.

Brands with focus on monologue will walk on the ground, while the brands with interactivity or dialogue in their DNA will sky rocket! Consumers will demand, create and explore content. The brand that facilitates this or the brand that partner with the consumers in search of relevance and entertainment will reduce the distance between the brand and consumer and in turn make the consumer as a promoter. ‘Brand loyalty’ will be a history and ‘Brand Advocacy’ will be the next in thing to strive for.

Microscopism will enable accountability and affordability, suggesting that new technologies will be in reach of smaller companies too. Larger companies will save on cost due to decreased communication wastage that mass media channels couldn’t do without. Brand will pin point various target groups and reach them accordingly. That’s what the advertising whiteboard will be in near future! Intriguing enough to get the industry’s adrenaline pumping!

March 3, 2008

Smart tray - a smart way to connect!

Now what on the earth should i call this invention to be! marketing indeed is becoming a creative canvas . A canvas of unimaginable opportunities enabled by convergence of technology.

A company company specializing in the design of high tech multimedia equipment for the food service industry has invented a Smart Tray can be used to deliver multimedia content to customers of food service restaurants, cafeterias, shopping malls, hospitals, military, etc.. The tray is configured to the shape of a regular food service carrying tray, albeit with an embedded multimedia display in the bottom-left corner. Multimedia content may include video, still images, text or computer instructions, or interactive content such as puzzles, games or quizzes related to advertising partners or other nearby locations. In addition, Mediox Smart Tray can be used to distribute multimedia content such as mobile phone ring tones and wallpaper, digital music, video clips, electronic books, computer and cell phone software, and games etc. via Bluetooth or WiFi interface.

The unique concept developed by Mediox effectively allows restaurant operators to move the multimedia content to each individual client’s tray. Placing the multimedia content in the hands of each client permits user-based feedback through interactive features, enabling one-to-one target marketing. Perhaps most importantly, it also has the potential to turn the tray in to a revenue generating sales vehicle!

Go visually EXTREME - with 3d search!!!!

A new PC software application - SPACETIME, enables 3D searching, shopping and browsing. The images are loaded in visual stacks so you can see 10 results, each in their own window, all in a nifty 3D card shuffle.

February 25, 2008

Bluetooth marketing - a thin line between INTERESTING & INTRUDING.

Opt-in bluetooth proximity marketing has become all the rage overseas as the newest way to connect with potential or existing customers. This form of advertising has been in use for quite some time in Europe, as well as various other overseas locations. It has now reached the shores of US, & few companies are already in their startup phase.

Its so cool! i loved it. isn't it exciting? it may be but for how long, and who would like to receive Spam from all the stores in one vincitity bombarding with their promotional coupons or announcements. I would run out of that area if it happens to me. Though it seems to be exciting technological tool to attract consumer, but it should be used wisely. No company to be credited by a consumer as the company who pushes Spam mails. A great example of the smart of this bluetooth technology is shown by VOLVO!

They use the same technology, but the idea is to create a brand experience for the customers visiting their showroom. Free Videos, Technical info, Test Drive booking, Downloads, etc is sent to the users cell phone with bluetooth capability, but not even a single time it seems like and alien intrusion- (see the video & decide for yourself)

Opt-in bluetooth proximity marketing still in its infancy and the risk of spoiling brand image with a spam is very high, unless executed in a smart way. With an objective to enhance customer experience & not to push sales.

how bigger can mobile marketing become?

Mobile is no more limited to a 3.5 inch touch screen phone with mp3 capabilities & what not. Its no more a mobile phone,but it is a 3.5 inch wizard loaded with unimaginable capabilities. From online streaming of videos to Social networking, from high quality gaming to making presentations you can do it all! Phones are your new navigators, personal assistants, gaming tools! Day is not far when Xbox, PS or Wii may come up with mobile phone loaded with gaming capabilities!

Smartphone unit sales almost tripled from 2004 to 2005, and increased by 50% in the first half of 2006 over 2005 , reports In-Stat. In another research suggests that Smart phones will comprise 9.3 percent of mobile phones sold in 2009! It is the closest way a marketer can get to a consumer. No other medium is as personally engaging. Hurray!!!! again a whole new toy for the marketers to play with.

One area that has caught marketers eyes is Mobile Search Marketing, though it is still at a very nascent stage, its evolving rapidly as more 3G cellphones erode the market. Industry analysts have forecasted humongous growth in MSM. For 2007, mobile industry-watchers predicts $1.7 billion in revenues & have estimated $11 billion by 2011, making it a promising frontier to look out for!

The search engines are naturally interested in extending their ad platforms to the cell phone. In early September, Google began allowing its Adwords marketers to create mobile ads to run on the networks of cellular carriers in Germany , UK and the United States. Microsoft & Yahoo are also exploring opportunities into this frontier.

Wow! isn't it too much for a small device called mobile phone. I sometimes wonder how microscopic can we go in pursuit to enhance brand experience & gain consumer's attention. I am sure, at this point of time earth is the best place to be in

February 23, 2008

Google rocks yet again!

Google adsense goes to video! is it a boon or a curse? Whatever it may be. time will tell. But for now this venture seems to be very exciting & huge. Small advertisers will now be able to broadcast commercials on Internet. Even larger brands can customize the content & seek to deliver it at the right place & at the right time through various behavioral analysis. Looking at the capabilities this video has & taking a cue at the popularity of google's text ad format' video adsense is sure to rise way above sea level & change the scenario of the industry

The distribution of this program seems to be limited to publishers who serve a minimum of one million video streams each month. & for those who don't youtube is at the rescue, but this comes at a cost (revenue share)

A win-win situation for all ! mainly for Google Inc.

February 22, 2008

Halo3: unbelievable - AKQA

i was confused. I wanted to write something that excites me. i was emotional as this was my first post on my whiteboard. I asked myself, what excites me? answer i got was - everything. few days passed in this confusion... but today i found my answer. It was culture crash at students common where i felt stars had come down from the sky, just to talk to me! it was AKQA effect! recently awarded as 'digital agency of the year' i had been dreaming about AKQA!!! i had read about them, had seen their work on, coke- wayne rooney viral & the happiness factory, the phenomenal Axe click.

They have done it all and yet in quest of conquering! By what i have seen and read about them, i believe people at AKQA pushing themselves to a new height with every task. This is with regards to Believe: Halo3. i have never seen such unique work for a game. the halo3 website gripped me to the core! the 360 degree view was mouthwatering i felt i was the part of that event. It captured all my sensory with splendid post production & superior eye for minute details was a treat to my eye after a long time! i feel, i am just out of the war!

I am glad i made a good start with my whiteboard. its also because am extremely excited to see the AKQA team & in fact talking to them!