March 10, 2008

Advertising. thats what its gonna be!!!

Interactive! Microscopic! Affordable! Accountable! Exciting! This is advertising in years to come! The recent influx of interactive cells in the heart of advertising will pump the blood at a faster level to push the level of interactivity at an unbelievable height. Brands and consumers both will gasp for air in this ever-claustrophobic environment. Relevance and engagement will be the governors of the communication world.

Therefore in search of pleasant weather managers will adorn their magnifying glass and go microscopic in search of relevant target market, oops target group to be more precise. This great need for customization in communication will change the meaning of traditional and non-traditional medium; mobile, internet and other consumer driven content will be the new traditional! ‘Push’ will be no more cool. ‘Pull’ will be the most desired place on planet to breathe free.

Brands with focus on monologue will walk on the ground, while the brands with interactivity or dialogue in their DNA will sky rocket! Consumers will demand, create and explore content. The brand that facilitates this or the brand that partner with the consumers in search of relevance and entertainment will reduce the distance between the brand and consumer and in turn make the consumer as a promoter. ‘Brand loyalty’ will be a history and ‘Brand Advocacy’ will be the next in thing to strive for.

Microscopism will enable accountability and affordability, suggesting that new technologies will be in reach of smaller companies too. Larger companies will save on cost due to decreased communication wastage that mass media channels couldn’t do without. Brand will pin point various target groups and reach them accordingly. That’s what the advertising whiteboard will be in near future! Intriguing enough to get the industry’s adrenaline pumping!

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