May 13, 2008

Agencies to launch their own products in the market

I struck gold! I was just wondering what to write for this blog & here i am with an interesting finding about a trend that is influencing number of agencies & will affect their future...

The trend: Agecnies are entering marketing with brands selling products developed by the agencies itself!!! Agencies are preparing to sell prodcuts ranging from books, candles, or merchandise to even a geberal store (by Mother, London)

for more information go to & read article: "Agencies Go From Selling to Creating Products"

May 2, 2008

no desktop........... here comes the BUMP TOP!

BumpTop is a fresh and engaging new way to interact with your computer desktop. You can pile and toss documents like on a real desk. Break free from the rigid and mechanical style of standard point-and-click desktops. Interact by pushing, pulling and piling documents with elegant, self revealing gestures.

This is awesome! but unfortunately still a private beta version. This revolutionary computer is the brain child of Anand Agarawala and Ravin Balakrishnan from University of Toronto.

Please click on this link to gain more information (in PDF format) about Bump Top

Why i am excited about online!!!

A recent article on forecasts that inspite of declining growth for next couple of years, in 2012 total media spend will grow by 5.1% & total US ad spending will surpass $330 billion mark.
Main contributor - rapid increase in online spends!!!!!

April 12, 2008

yo nike ID ....

Check out NIKETOWN NY Studio Designs! I am promoting Nike ID for free........ let there be word of mouth. BY SPREADING THIS INFORMATION TO MY FRIENDS I HAVE JUST become a part of 3 1/2 billion word of mouth conversations that happen daily in America. Promoting innovation, would it make me innovative???? blahhhhhhhhhhhhh

March 23, 2008

Award winning indian ad on Holi

I simply love this ad. It is so touching :(

holi - the festival of color & harmony

Holi is an annual festival celebrated on the day after the full moon in the Hindu month of Phalguna (early March). It celebrates spring, commemorates various events in Hindu mythology and is time of disregarding social norms and indulging in general merrymaking.

Apart from this text book definition what i know about holi is - it is the festival of colors, people of different age, sex and community come together and play with dry colors. It is the festival of cultural harmony.

I believe it is this color that overlays the cultural differentiation and showcases the people as one! This video though is mute but captures the traditional essences of the holi as the festival of colors and togetherness!

please click the link below to know more about holi

Now from the video try to find a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian, a Jewish or a person from any other country.... i bet all will look the same. All will look one!

Now Myspace reaches cellphones!

For all the MySpace fanatics, keep browsing profiles and be connected on MySpace on the go! From the recent news, MySpace Mobile will launch new MySpace mobile website on all Web-enabled Sprint phones. It will be the first free direct access to the new MySpace Mobile Website on a U.S. carrier.

Making & keeping in touch with friends is now so easy...